Friday, January 30, 2015

Are You Suffering From Clothing Personality Disorder?

People say staying in your comfort zone is missing out on all the fun, but I say
when it comes to fashion, you might just want to express yourself more than how people think you should.

I go through fashion phases in my life, yet I still try to stay trendy and not boxed in. I’ve gone through the peplum stage, the t-shirt stage, the jumpsuit stage, the leggings stage, the asymmetrical stage…………etc.

The only thing that stays consistent with me is small sleeves and sleeveless but I do not feel wide legged pants or A-line skirts in general. But, heck this is me, this is my fight! Pick yours. We don’t all have to look alike now; do we? Where’s the fun in that? Or is variety no more the spice of life?

We should all take a cue from Rihanna. She came into the industry when everyone were being all prim and proper with long hair, curls and all but she came in and changed the game. She rocked her short weaves like her life depended on them and she looked so great, we thought it cool to copy her.

Now, in finding your fashion style et al, do not read magazines, watch TV and then forget to be true to your own self. Your fashion style should be about what makes you happy and how you feel every particular day of the week.

Look at yourself in the mirror, do you like who you see or what you are wearing? Truth is you have to remember that most of the people dictating to you directly or indirectly do not even care that you exist. So why should you dress to impress people who don’t find you relevant? Why can’t you dress to please yourself?

Rules are meant to be broken sista. Few years ago, we were told by the experts not to rock denim on denim, not to combine stripes with floral etc. etc. etc. People have dared to break the rules and they are being celebrated for it. Heck, you can only be the next fashion icon if only you dare to be different, and dare you should because you are special.

Allow your fashion be an extension of how you are feeling. When multiple colours of eye shadow were all the rage, I had a friend who would only rock grey or black eye shadow colours because that’s how she liked to roll. That’s the way she was feeling at that time. Get my drift?

So, if you don’t have money to pursue trends, pull out this article and remind yourself what to do. You don’t need to break the bank or steal to look good. The most beautiful attire you should wear on your sleeve should be your self-confidence.

Remember not to put yourself in a box because fashion and people pleasing don’t mix. Find out what it is about your own style that can be infused into trends and don’t forget that your beauty transcends what’s on the outside. Please have an open mind; express yourself, and, above all, be confident.

Photo Credit 


  1. Thatnks for the update every time @odunayoteminika

  2. Great words dearie. Self confidence with a positive attitude makes a lady standout in whatever fashion steps she needs to take!
