Monday, February 16, 2015

Five Benefits of Exfoliating Regularly

Most people concentrate more on covering blemishes rather than treating them. Instead of investing so much in covering problem areas with heavy makeup why not work on getting a naturally flawless skin.

One of the ways to pamper your skin is by exfoliating regularly. I have listed below some reasons you should exfoliate as often as possible

1 Improves texture of the skin: If you want super silky beautiful skin then you should try to exfoliate more often because it revives dry, dull skin.

2 Fights signs of aging: we constantly shed skin and as we grow older our natural ability to shed dead skin slows down. This slowed down process is the reason for the build-up of wrinkles and fine lines. Exfoliating is a great way to help the body get rid of dead skin.

3 Helps prevent acnepimples: we already know that clogged pores are the major reason we get acne and pimples. Exfoliating the skin keeps pores clean and unclogged.

4 Helps skincare product penetrate deeper: sometimes we are too quick to blame certain products for not working effectively when we have not created a conducive environment for them to work. By opening your pores, you give the skin care products a chance to sink in and do their magic.

5 a more flawless makeup look: when there is a beautiful, clean and healthy canvas (your face), make up becomes an enhancing product and you achieve an even more flawless look.

Now that you know all of this, you must be itching to know how to exfoliate.

Anyways here’s how,

If you want to save some money, or do it the natural way, you can try this home remedy

Step 1 wash your face

Step 2 get a small towel place it over a bowl of steamy hot water, such that it takes in the steam. Place the semi hot towel on your face for 1-2 minutes to open your pores.

Step 3 use a face wash to clean your face.

Step 4 mash avocado pear and mix with two tablespoonful of honey and sugar. Allow the mask to sit on your face for roughly 30 minutes before you wash off.

If you are willing to invest in a product, I would recommend St. ives apricot facial scrub. Ive used it before, it works wonders.

Do you have any beauty questions, testimonies let me know in the comments section or send an email to


  1. I exfoliate like 2ce in a month, in fact I give my skin and face special attention.

  2. I will try it @odunayoteminika
