Friday, February 20, 2015

Get Your Pink Lips Here, The Natural Remedy

Growing up I always dreamed of having the perfect pink pout. You know the type you see on Cinderella and other Disney princesses in all those story books.

But as a dark skinned beauty all this seemed like impossibility because I wasn’t willing to undergo any form of plastic surgery.

But as they say ‘good things come to those who wait’. I’m happy to let you know there’s a new pink-lips serum in town. The greatest news is, it can be prepared by you for almost free.

D.I.Y pink lips serum

Mix honey with lemon juice, in equal parts, in a bottle

Coat your lips with serum and leave on for 90 minutes before you wipe off with a wash cloth.

Your pink lips serum can be refrigerated and used for a week

Now that you are on your way to pink lips, how do we avoid getting dark lips?

Avoid excess intake of caffeine

Don’t smoke

Drink lots of water

Avoid excessive exposure to sunlight

Don’t leave your lips dry

Apply glycerin on your lips every night before you go to bed

Apply almond oil on your lips before you go to bed


  1. If I ever want pink lips I'd try this than stop to answer those guys in Ikeja always shouting "bros pink lips", like their lives depended on it.
