Sunday, March 01, 2015

Marching Forward in Beauty.....

I  can't believe it's the third month already, it seems like just yesterday we were saying happy new year and making new year resolutions quietly while outwardly pretending that new year resolutions mean nothing to us.

Little wonder they don't work, watch your words darlings they become your actions.
Back to new year resolutions, part of my goals at the beginning of this year was to shed weight, funny enough I did lose a little but right now, as I'm typing this,I've added weight and I look even bigger now than I did last year. *smh*
Anyways I'm not here to throw a pity party, people I don't believe in feeling bad to the point of no return when I know there's a remedy. So that's the point of this post,I've decided to skip, read the book of proverbs, and squat this month. 
Who takes on 3 challenges in one month? Me! Why? Because I'm awesome like! 
Anyways, no kidding I'm going to post about my wonderful physical and spiritual exercise on twitter (beau_donna) for the 31 days, see how I've added a 4th challenge? Only by Gods grace will I achieve all these in one month o.
Here are my plans.......
How will I read the book of proverbs in 31 days
March 1st for proverbs 1
March 2nd for proverbs 2

How will I follow my skip routine
Well I own a skipping rope and I have a plan and I am a bit shy to share but follow me on twitter to know how religious i will be about it.

Squat challenge 
This is my chart

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